Leading Skin Tag Removal Brand!
We are THE brand when it come to effective at-home skin tag removals. Experience hassle-free skin tag removal - Backed by tens of thousands of satisfied customers!
Removes Skin Tags In Days!
As easy as 1-2-3. Clean out the area around your skin tag, apply Urbanae's Elara elastic band and wait for the skin tag to fall of in the matter of days!
Unbelievable Results!
Said their skin tags fell within a week!
Noticed no discomfort or any issues with the product!
Prefer Urbanae's Elara Skin Tag Remover over Dermatologist!
Any Questions?
What Is A Skin Tag?
A skin tag, or acrochordon, is a small piece of skin often characterized by hanging off the body with a fleshy stalk. Generally, areas of the body that receive a lot of friction develop skin tags, most often appearing in the underarm, neck, and groin areas.
Fortunately, skin tags are benign so there are no medical concerns associated with it. However, these tags can be annoying and can also cause a concern on the physical appearance, which is why most people prefer to have them removed.
One of the biggest problems with skin tags is that they can bleed if snagged, which may cause pain because they have their own blood supply.
How to identity a Skin Tag?
A skin tag is typically found on the neck, breasts, back, armpits, or groin. It matches skin color, is soft and flexible, hangs by a stalk, and is 2-6 mm in size.
Can I Use Skin Tag Remover on moles, warts or any other skin condition?
Skin Tag Remover should only be used to treat skin tags It's NOT to be applied to injured skin and mucous membranes, wounds or breached dermis, warts, verrucas, cutaneous papilloma, or genital warts It also must not be used for red, inflamed, or painful skin tags.
Can I use Skin Tags with Latex Allergy?
Unfortunately, No. As the skin tags are made of Natural Latex it is unsuitable with anyone having a latex allergy.